Source code for urduhack.conll.reader

# coding: utf8
"""A minimal module to parse CoNLL files."""

from typing import Tuple, List, Iterator

from urduhack.conll.parser import _iter_lines, _load_file

[docs]class CoNLL: """ A Conll class to easily load conll-u formats. This module can also load resources by iterating over string. This module is the main entrance to conll's functionalities. """ ID = 'id' TEXT = 'text' LEMMA = 'lemma' UPOS = 'upos' XPOS = 'xpos' FEATS = 'feats' HEAD = 'head' DEPREL = 'deprel' DEPS = 'deps' MISC = 'misc' COMMENT_MARKER = '#' FIELD_DELIMITER = '\t' EMPTY = '_'
[docs] @staticmethod def get_fields() -> List[str]: """ Get the list of conll fields Returns: List[str]: Return list of conll fields """ return [ CoNLL.ID, CoNLL.TEXT, CoNLL.LEMMA, CoNLL.UPOS, CoNLL.XPOS, CoNLL.FEATS, CoNLL.HEAD, CoNLL.DEPREL, CoNLL.DEPS, CoNLL.MISC ]
[docs] @staticmethod def load_file(file_name: str) -> List[Tuple]: """ Load a CoNLL-U file given its location. Args: file_name (str): The location of the file. Returns: List[Tuple]: A Conll object equivalent to the provided file. Raises: IOError: If there is an error opening the given filename. ValueError: If there is an error parsing the input into a Conll object. """ return _load_file(file_name)
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_file(file_name: str) -> Iterator[Tuple]: """ Iterate over a CoNLL-U file's sentences. Args: file_name (str): The name of the file whose sentences should be iterated over. Yields: Iterator[Tuple]: The sentences that make up the CoNLL-U file. Raises: IOError: If there is an error opening the file. ParseError: If there is an error parsing the input into a Conll object. """ with open(file_name, encoding='utf8') as file: for sentence in _iter_lines(file): yield sentence
[docs] @staticmethod def iter_string(text: str) -> Iterator[Tuple]: """ Iterate over a CoNLL-U string's sentences. Use this method if you only need to iterate over the CoNLL-U file once and do not need to create or store the Conll object. Args: text (str): The CoNLL-U string. Yields: Iterator[Tuple]: The sentences that make up the CoNLL-U file. Raises: ParseError: If there is an error parsing the input into a Conll object. """ lines = text.splitlines() for sentence in _iter_lines(lines): yield sentence